Thursday, July 14, 2016

Summer Excuses?

Training and nutrition can get tricky once summer hits. Schedules change with work and kids, beer is bountiful, and s'mores are actually mandated by the demands of puppy-eyed children at every campfire.

I could write another fluffy feel-good blog extolling the virtues of low-calorie alternatives that we all know don't taste like a real freakin hot dog anyway, but why? 

Fact of the matter is, biology doesn't change for the summer. Your body still needs the same number of calories to gain, lose or maintain its weight, whether your kids are off from school or not. 
You still build muscle by training hard with challenging weights using compound movements, not by weeding the garden and calling it your workout for the day.

The solution? 

Honestly, it didn't change once June hit. You made the time to train before summer hit, and it is possible to get some level of training in if you prioritize it. You can even make legitimate progress during this time. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but with some forethought it can happen. Even with limited gym time, if you use the biggest "bang for your buck" movements that your trainer suggests, and use your time to bust your tail instead of texting or scrolling Facebook, you can get a great training session in a few times a week.

As for nutrition...?
Plan. Track your macros, or stick to some semblance of whatever plan you may be following. If you know you'll have a bad meal or a few drinks, compensate by lowering calories a little throughout the rest of the day, and don't go overboard with the treats. This DOES NOT MEAN to starve all day, it just means to take it easy and stay in control. You don't need 8 beers to enjoy a day on the boat, and if you do, call someone more qualified to deal with that problem. You don't need 6 hot dogs and a bucket of fries per baseball game, one should cover your craving and then move on to a meal better aligned with your fitness goals. It's cliche, but moderation is everything.

Use the time you have as efficiently as possible, control your intake of useless calories, and enjoy a balance of summer fun and hard work to progress where you want to!

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