Wednesday, March 12, 2014

REAL core strength

Your core is not what you've been told traditionally. From the base of your neck to the back of your knee is your true core, here are the hierarchy of perfecting true core strength.

Three stages to REAL core strength:

Anti-movement patterns - an athlete that can run full speed and change directions while keeping their spine in line and core fluent with the motion is an example of anti-movement, AKA stabilizing (running, farmers walks, etc)

Learning to brace your core when doing all movements. Including, for example, planks and lifting weights for use during exercises that don't "involve" your core. 
Another specific example that would benefit "real" core strength would be lifting without a belt below 85% of your 1 rep max.

Breathing - learning to breath diaphragmatically AKA "controlled breathing" during workout allows you to train longer and harder through a "controlled" breathing response.

Post workout benefits- Elicits a parasympathetic response where it will relax the soft tissue of your body and "jump start" the recovery process.

Be powerful, 
Patrick Ciera

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