Thursday, March 27, 2014

3 Keys to Success: Mind, Body and Equipment

There are many components that make anyone successful. Today I'm going to elaborate on three aspects, that to me, are important keys to success in the gym. These areas we will focus on carry over to everyday life, like most lessons we learn in the gym. 

Without a good attitude goals are hard to meet. That is something we all know. When we have the right mindset a whole lot more gets done, and done properly. When we are able to focus and clear our minds of all other life matters we easily achieve more in our workouts. Our focus on what we are, and should be doing in the moment leaves our bodies with only one option! 

Start every workout with a good attitude and a clear mind. Use the time you spend in the gym as a getaway from all other things. This will make the gym a happy place and I cannot think of anything better than that. 

There are many reasons people go to the gym. Most focus on one's body. Inside and out, fitness makes our bodies better. However, this can be hindered without the proper recovery. We can push ourselves everyday in the gym moving weight until we can't move or crush ourselves doing cardio 'til we are blue. Where does this leave us beside tired and sore? Most probably think it leaves them healthier than before but it is not always true. My point is this....
RECOVERY .... Recovery is just as important as the actual workout. Success is not achieved through killing yourself in the gym for hours upon hours. Success is setting reasonable goals and meeting these goals. If you are a power lifter this means lifting the most amount of weight you can. This is not something that is going to be achieved with sore muscles and a destroyed nervous system. If you are trying to loose weight, hours of cardio is only wearing you out and burning you down. Not that what we are doing is wrong but recovery needs to also be accounted for because your body in this case is your tool. 

With anything you own, taking care of it keeps it in good shape. 

The third key to success to me is going to be equipment. Whether it be the lack of or the surplus of, making the most of the equipment that is available to you will lead you to success. Technology is what sets apart and keeps us moving forward. I have learned that it is important to embrace the technologies we have that can make us better or bring us closer to our goals. If it was not keeping up with technology I would be chiseling this into stone. Other than technology or advancements in equipment it is important to be able to use what we do have available when there is a lack of. Usually this is a fun and simple way of getting the work done. It can be getting your work done with walking lunges in the grocery store or pull-ups on the playground. There is always a way even when we lack equipment. 

Clear your mind, take care of your body and use what you have. Get it done! 

Yours in good health, 

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