Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Numbers Game

We all see it work time and time again. We know that nutrition is a science, hitting our "numbers" is important to success in weight loss. Fitness comes down to a lot more than just working out. It's with your trainer and without. It's at home and in the gym. It is a lifestyle that becomes successful when you fully submerge yourself in it and prioritize it! 

Macros? Numbers? You probably hear these terms around the gym all the time, and maybe you don't even understand what they mean. The term "macros" is short for macronutrients. This includes your fats, carbs and proteins. Around here trainers assign "numbers" for each of these categories. 

A lot of components go into your macros. 

Times a week and intensity of exercise: Higher intensity, more volume = more food ... Who doesn't want this! This is on a constant basis though, work hard consistently! 

Metabolism: Everyone has a different metabolic rate (the rate at which your body burns calories at rest). This rate is affected by factors like age, improper eating habits in the past and, again, the intensity of one's program. Your trainer will be able to adjust macros based on your metabolic rate. As this rate increases from increased exercise and eating properly your numbers will also increase to keep up! It's a direct correlation. 

Side note: 
Eating properly keeps your body out of starvation mode and increases your metabolism, because your body knows it will have energy. When you enter starvation mode your body stores the nutrients you do ingest for energy, rather than burning it right away. So eat to your numbers, whether you think they are "too high" or "you're already full" because they work together in the body to prevent starvation, and once your metabolism is increased you will feel the "hunger" again. This insures your metabolism is in fact restoring! 

Body fat composition: Your trainer will base your dietary needs on your body fat percentage! As this percentage changes so should your numbers! 

Goals: Different goals require different eating patterns or macro schemes. Bodybuilders numbers change often with their composition and are dependent on prep period, where as a powerlifter's numbers may remain the same for the entire period of their prep, or increase. Fat loss and weight loss programs are established and changed accordingly when weight or body composition changes. This being said, no one's numbers should be compared; everyone is different and has different goals. There is no cookie cutter plan for any athlete! 

Trust in your trainer's expertise and experience, and communicate with them about your adherence levels with your macros. Hit them as precisely as possible everyday before getting down about results. Your exercise program and dietary guidelines are programmed to work together and your body will not adjust overnight so practice patience and trust the program! 

Yours in good health,

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