Thursday, September 3, 2015

Mourning Summer, or Embracing Structure?

Summertime is a great season to get or stay fit. The nice weather is conducive to all sorts of outside activities from simply walking the dog to high-output workouts like sprinting or cycling. Plus you're motivated by the prospect of skimpy summer outfits.

But then again...

The kids are off of school. It's tough to get a workout in when your iPod playlist is replaced by an incessant chorus of whining, questions, and spontaneous needs to pee or eat or learn the intricacies of minion speech. You're shuffling them to babysitters, play dates, and everything in between, all while shuffling you to and from work and the grocery store since the fridge empties every 14 minutes.

Plus there's summer BBQs, Grad parties, sporting events, vacations and a million other reasons to eat badly and skip workouts.

But Labor Day is upon us. The grand finale! BBQ season is winding down, the kids are back to school, and the swimwear will soon be in storage. In theory, life calms down a bit for a little while. The initial schedule change is a little rough, but it's also an opportunity if you look at it as such. 

A little more time on your hands (for some) less junk food occasions (at least until the holiday season), and more of a structured routine can allow for a recommitment to fitness goals. Instead of mourning the loss of summer, let's try embracing the chance to eat according to plan, hit the gym at regular intervals, and achieve the goals that may have been sidetracked by summer fun!

Steve Decker

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