Thursday, June 2, 2016

Who doesn't want results yesterday?

I recently came to the realization that I felt fat. It sucked. I mean, I knew that I'd put on weight, but I also hadn't tried not to or even thought about it much really. Life has been hectic, difficult, and tiring lately. Plus, my squat gets better when I weigh more, so what the heck...who cares right? Too busy, to tired, too COMPLACENT! 
Wrong attitude!
Let's be honest, it's not that difficult to maintain a body weight that you're relatively happy with once you're there. It's being consistent with training and keeping one's food in check.
But you know what's even easier? Having multiple restaurant meals per week, skipping cardio entirely, and beer! Beer is delicious, as are burgers with unnecessarily large amounts of fries and cheese and bacon. 
Upon realizing this unfortunate situation I had put myself in (and yes I damn well did it to myself, but that's another article) I did what any rational human being would do. I immediately decided to cut my carbs down to an almost non-existing level, add intervals on my only off day from lifting, and vowed to do more volume than before to get lean by the end of the day! Brilliant plan, right?! I mean who doesn't want results yesterday after spending a few months plumping up? What could go wrong?!

In a word: everything.

After my little idiot episode I remembered that I train people for a living, and have to remind them multiple times a day to stay the course. Results come with consistency and hard work over time, not winning the bad idea olympics in the course of one afternoon. By actually tracking my food intake, keeping cheat meals to a heathy minimum, and adding a small amount of higher intensity exercise to my training schedule, I can and will drop the excess body fat while still recovering from strength training and my goals with that as my primary focus.

The point here is this: we get it. Trainers aren't robots or super humans that are predisposed to living life as strong lean healthy perpetually motivated people. We struggle too. And we want fast results from what we do as much as our clients do. In fact, we sometimes feel it should come even faster for us being that we basically live in a gym (though few will admit this). But, just like we tell our clients, this just takes time and effort. It's never overnight, the easy way doesn't work, but hard work and consistency pay off over the long haul. So if you're feeling frustrated or overwhelmed with the prospect of summer pool parties coming up, talk to one of us. Even if you aren't training we are willing to talk you through it and point you in the right direction. 

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